Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Novo Redbook: Implementing IBM Lotus Domino 7 for i5/OS

A IBM lançou ontem um novo Redbook de Lotus Domino na plataforma i5/OS (antigo AS/400):

This IBM Redbook targets system administrators who plan to implement or upgrade to Domino 7 for IBM i5/OS in their organization.

It provides tips and techniques to help you successfully deploy and administer Domino 7 servers on i5/OS. The primary focus is to explain the installation, configuration, and performance tuning of Domino 7 in this environment. This IBM Redbook also provides information about moving Domino servers to the IBM System i platform and information about backup, recovery, and troubleshooting regarding Domino 7 servers running on i5/OS.

Link: IBM Redbook: Implementing IBM Lotus Domino 7 for i5/OS

1 comment:

Luis Alejandro Guirigay said...


Thanks for the promotion of the Redbook, I co-authored it.


Nota: I have good friends from Brazil, from Florianopolis. And actually, add me to MSN lguiriga at hotmail dot com... I will need to ask you something